21 June 2021

As usual, on the third Thursday of the month, the cadets had PT (physical training). Instead of doing the usual testing, we decided to do a good workout similar to what one would see in a high school sports practice. First, we jogged a mile in a single-file line. Then, we worked on abs. We did a nine-by-ten, which consists of ten repetitions of nine different ab exercises without stopping. Finally, we did some cooldown exercises. Needless to say, we felt this workout the next day. After PT, we had an Emergency Services Class taught by Chief Bateman. The class overviewed Civil Air Patrol’s Emergency Services program and what cadets need to do to become certified. The meeting ended after Commander’s Call, when Maj. Bordonaro discussed the annual Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast and gave awards to seniors for certain hard work at the event.
-2dLt Menk

Updated: July 9, 2021 — 17:38